Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dear public computer users,

If when logging into sites such as Pandora, Imeem, Youtube, Myspace, etc., you fail to uncheck the 'Remember Me' box, therefore leaving your private profiles in such sites vunerable to those whom may come after you, then I will, without hesitation, make ridiculous changes to your personal preferences in order to teach you a lesson. I have been to enough classrooms, libraries, and computer labs, that I'm actually starting to have fun with this.

My first victim?
'' of Pandora Radio

Existing stations?
Slipknot, Pink Floyd, Ozzy Osbourne, Motley Crue, etc.

Stations I added?
Britney Spears, The Village People, ABBA, New Kids On The Block

This is just the beginning.


Derick said...

someone write this to you?

DaniMarie said...

no i wrote it

Zach said...


Glen Parker said...

I love those choices. Thanks for suggesting them.

Derick said...

I love to see glenn posting! Lololololol

Chris said...

Boo yah!!